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Goldie expense tracker


Multiple accounts:

Payment methods:  

Budget: Budget progress ratio chart. Compare with reality.

Periodic Income and Expenditure: Periodic income or expenses.

Cumulative balance: Select All to download the accumulated balance from the past. Select Other to cut off the previous balance.

Output Excel file.

Asset Management: Passive income from earnings, fees, sales.

Debt management: repayment progress, interest rate, monthly repayment date

Income and expenditure accounting: Use invoices and receipts to record life.

Balance Sheet: Know your worth at all times.

Bill reminder: periodic unpaid, irregular unpaid.

Cash flow vs assets: Does cash flow go to assets or expenses.

Voice Accounting: The more you use it, the more accurate it becomes.

Invoice scanning: If you forget to buy something, scan it and you will know.

Dashboard: Alerts overhead if there is any speeding or stalling.

Account books: divided by year, month, statistics and details.

Fund Estimation: Use cumulative to see future balances.

Search transactions: Available categories, notes, and date search.

Cost Classification Pie Chart: How to save money, see here.

Income classification pie chart: Do you get more salary or passive income?

Last month VS this month expense bar chart: Is there any progress compared to last month?

Computer online calculations. No need to switch screens.

Live exchange rates.


​Assets and liabilities


Asset management


Cost classification

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